Monday, November 8, 2021

 My CR - NC Portal…..

As a way of catching up with Terry and her family, and most important, Dad, I always come and go from NC. Allegiant Air has ridiculously cheap flights to Fort Lauderdale, where I can get a 2 1/2 hour flight into San Jose in CR. I practically consider NC a fourth home, as I’m there quite often - and happen to love the area. If CR hadn’t become a big part of my life I probably would be spending much more time there. But…… First World problems! Ha!

We took Dad out most days, with several drives along the Blue Ridge Parkway where the mountains were cloaked in spectacular color. Robin joined us from Florida for several days, as well. During my stay I took on the “auntie” role of taking care of Terry’s 5 week old kittens that she had just adopted. What fun having these little black fur balls frolicking around underfoot, then climbing into your lap for a snuggle and a nap.

Burning fall leaves

My tiny roommates

Fall feeding time for the bees

We regularly dropped by the “church” to check on its progress - Ron’s landscaping, plumbers, and insulation were all happening that week. Things are moving rapidly now, and the last big hurdle is waiting for the well guys, who might take weeks to months. Again, Ron has worked his magic, transforming another uninhabitable, apparent “tear down” into a sweet, brand new home. He has definitely spruced up that neighborhood!

Construction Supervisors

As I packed my bags (again) I looked forward to finally getting home and settling in with Ray and “the girls” in Pavones. First on the agenda - beach walks.

Choo Choo!

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