Thursday, December 30, 2021

 Some Local Views....

As writing is quite a chore, although I'm getting surprisingly adept at one fingered, right handed typing, I'm adding a bunch of random captioned photos.

These large colorful, signs have been cropping up
all over Costa Rica luring in tourists and locals
for photos.

Even Pavones (home of the world's second longest
left wave) has a sign

Not only does the sign light up at night, it has a
Christmas tree buddy, that might be up all
year - because that's what happens in CR

Golfito is getting ready for electric cars

One of two locomotives rusting away in Golfito.
These once brought bananas from deep in
the jungle to the docks for worldwide 

Small churches like this can be found all over rural areas.

The new "gypsy caravan" campground down the street.
Glamping is the new catch word

Another new addition to Pavones is this campgroun
Chepe's new and improved dock/marina

Crossing the road on the electrical wire a three toed sloth 

This is the homemade barge for moving equipment by boat.
More common than you'd think because many homes and 
resorts around Golfo Dulce can only be accessed by boat.

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