Saturday, December 25, 2021

 A New TV

It all began with our one little bat that lives in our bodega (think garage) for a couple of years. Maybe it was him/her, or maybe a friend. But someone was hanging out on a wire at night time above our dishes and pooping. Not acceptable! I decided that I was going to tie up that wire so the bat didn’t have anywhere to hold onto. Unbeknownst to me the wire was live. I tied it to a nearby metal support.  Later we turned the television on and all of a sudden the screen went dark. Ray was elected to investigate since he’s tall. 

After getting zapped a couple of times we figured that probably the electrical short had wiped out the television. We bought ourselves a brand new television which is a very big upgrade on the one we had before because now we can get Netflix, YouTube and more we don’t even know about yet! Our little “Batty” watches us with little beady mouse eyes when we go into the bodega. Sometimes on our nocturnal pees we’ll hear a little flutter and feel a little wind going by our faces as he/she wings by. Sometimes his "buddies" join him in a nighttime fiesta when we have excess ripe bananas. They land briefly for a gulp of soft sweet fruit before swooping off into the blackness.  

Learning New Things

For my latest trick...... I managed to step off the bed last month, lose my balance and fall full weight onto my left wrist. This resulted in an excruciating 1 1/2 hrs drive on the lumpy bumpy road to the Golfito hospital. One of my more stupid, and might I say painful endeavors. Anyway, the doctors hustled me in, patched me up and my new fashion statement includes this extremely heavy plaster cast for a month. Looks like I'll be able to exploit this for a while and have Ray wait on me. (He still owes me after last year when he was sick). 

I’m now learning to use my right hand - which I’m told is good for the brain. Ha! It’s incredible how spastic I am and how little my right hand can really do. But, I have no choice. Certainly a humbling experience. I’ve discovered I have to put my “bad” hand first into every sleeve while undressing and dressing. I can “hold” a jar or bottle between my legs and grip the top with the right hand. Brushing my teeth is an adventure as my left hand waves sympathetically as my right hand saws away at my teeth. Ray finally bought me an electric toothbrush, which is a huge help. I can’t believe how uncoordinated I am but I’m getting better as time goes on. But, as Terry often says, "At least I have an arm, wrist......)

This has become my official "office."  Great views of the garden,
the birds and traffic going by, and shelf for 
computer, phone, snacks, etc..

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