Saturday, December 25, 2021

My Diminished World

Luckily, for me, my perch on the world is quite delightful. I love watching the world go by - vehicles, bicyclists, pedestrians, horses and the occasional herd of cows. Even though I can't hold binoculars or a camera, there are a myriad of birds, lizards, dogs and people that come and go. 

I’ve been watching a house wren nest in our carport. The last week before the chicks fledged those poor parents have been continually coming and going from dawn until dusk with beaks full of insects and grubs that their young noisily consumed. And then one morning - silence. They literally "flew the coop." Meanwhile, there is very loud mouthed isthmus wren that lives nearby who has been vandalizing one of my hanging baskets for its straw.  It is building a nest close by.  I’m sure when I get back in March there will be nests all over the yard,  which is very exciting for me.

Cara Caras are very common. Often seen on the roads
feasting on lizards or insects

Toucans often travel in loose pairs, so when one
calls, its mate/friend will respond nearby

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