Monday, February 8, 2021

Real Estate Adventures : Buying the Church

I just bought a church for $35K.


Yes really.


First, some history.  My brother in law and my sister have bought a number of small, very run down homes, fixed them up and either sold them or rented them. They have managed to ride in on the wave of rapidly increasing housing markets in Jupiter, FL, NC and SC over the years. 

Probably won't keep the inside "alter's cross

Down the road from them is a tiny building that was used as a church. The three of us have been looking at the church for a couple of years, dreaming of its possibilities. I even contacted the owner and almost bought it, but we chickened out because it needed a lot of foundation work. And god knows what else. Anyway fast forward to now and it was still available, and Ron needed a project. Also, property values have skyrocketed there. Even run down fixer uppers have become very pricey. So now it made more sense. Ron is very excited, having already begun tearing out interior walls. As of this writing they are signing on with an outfit that will jack up the back of the house and build a proper foundation wall. 

Ollie makes sure the well is pumping water

When the electric was turned on recently the well still functions, and we hope, so will the septic system. Although I’m also excited, realistically I won’t be around for 99 % of the work, but I DID provide the funding, for now. So….another adventure. 

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