Monday, February 8, 2021

Connections and History


Big Ray (in CR)

Key Largo, Tuesday, January 19

Just returned from a whirlwind trip to Key Largo to visit friends, who I go way back with. I first met these guys when I was beginning my relationship with my first husband. They volunteered to help us with a fundraising benefit, and the friendship grew from there. Later our kids grew up together, and K even worked with S for a while. During the 40 plus years, we drifted together and apart as family, work, in my case, divorce, and lifestyle changes occurred. It was a wonderful visit and a great time to catch up on our lives and reminisce about life’s events. To me, there is such a strong feeling of history and a “rootedness” with old friends that I really appreciate.  

Captain Dave and Kim take me fishing

Yours truly trying my hand at fishing (ha!)

Musings on a Divorce

As I drove back from the Keys the other day, I began thinking about the sense of history and loss that often occurs with divorce. Does it always have to be that way? No, of course not. But I think in many cases there is a necessity to move on and sever ties because of previous hurts and discomfort. Therefore, not only do you lose the relationship with that person, but often their family and friends as well. Also the shared events and experiences you had together.  I have found over the almost 20 years of coming to terms with my own situation that I still have slightly wistful feelings about the history part. But I’m also content with these musings and don’t feel they disrupt my life in any meaningful way anymore. 

Wood stork with other bird friends

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