Saturday, October 19, 2013

West to East: Table of Contents

West to East

Table of Contents

Gill Lankshear

China: Beijing, August 31 to September 2, 2013
China: Xinjiang Province, September 3 - September 18
Map of China.    Xinjiang Province is the farthest west, bordering on Central Asia

Xinjiang Province

Sat. Aug 31:
Plugged in on the Plane, Cars Everywhere, Hutong, the Old Sections of Town, Exploring “the Hood,” Tianaman Square and the Forbidden City, Telling Time, Ooohhmmm,! Acrobats, Lovely Night Life, Changing the Inner City

Sun. Sept 1: 
The Great Wall, Taxi Drivers Worldwide, Courtyard Privacy, KOA Chinese Style, The Countryside, The Wall, Spectacular,!  Soho, Chinese- Style, More Exploring

Mon. Sept 2:
The Temple of Heaven, The Park, Baby Buns, Back to the Subject at Hand, Beyond Ornate, A Little PR Issue, The Summer Palace, A Traditional Chinese Scene

Tues. Sept 3:
Urumchi Bound, Going Back in Time, Mmmmmm!, The Crowd Gatherers, No Fly Zone, Reality, Oh Oh, Another Market

Wed. Sept 4:
Urumchi, A Changing City, The Desert, Electric Changes, The Grasslands, Yurts, Greenhouses, Zzzzzzzzzzz

Thurs. Sept 5:

Some Culture, Heavenly Lake, A Little Bit of Disney, Love Those Signs, Here Comes The Bride

Fri. Sept 6:

The Road to Turpan, Checkpoints, Future Development, Culture Clash, Poor Wilbur, Changes in Turpan, The Unused Airport, Grapes, and More Grapes, The Family Courtyard, Take Our Picture, A Local Uyghur Family, Raisins and Melons, Ancient City of Jiaohe (Yar City), A Quiet Peacefulness, Let the Dancing Begin

Sat. Sept 7: 
The Flaming Mountains, Ancient Campsite, The Bezklik Grottoes, A True Oasis, The Ancient Karez Wells, Oasis Towns, The “Big Dig,” Asian-Style, Speaking of water...

Sun. Sept 8: 
On the Move Again, Family Restaurant, Halvah Anyone?, Whine Time

Mon. Sept. 9: 
Route to the Altai Mountains,  A Bucolic Scene,  The Russian Village,  A Rugged Life, China’s National Parks,The Forestry Hotel, Made in China, Bathrooms, Practicalities, My Recommendations?

Tues. Sept 10: 
The Golds of Autumn, Our Hero

Wed. Sept. 11: 
Lake Kanas, A Great Hike, Money Problems, Manners?

Thurs. Sept. 12:
Merry Xmas!, The Camel Trains, Drive Down, Kashgar Bound, Rebuilding, A Glimpse of History, Street Scenes, Public Places, Weddings, Uyghur Style

Fri. Sept 13:
The Long Drive Toward the “Stans,” Watch Out!, Signs of Autumn, Was That a Mushroom? Snap Away, Rugged Countryside, Glaciers Galore, The Plateau, Lunch in the Yurt, Final Destination: Tashgurkan, The Tajiks

Sat. Sept 14:
The Meadowlands, A “Fort”tuitous Moment, The Tajik Farm Family, Another Lifestyle, Thanks and Poo

Sun. Sept 15:
A Rough Start, the Mausoleum, The Livestock Market, Commotion, A Heady Aroma, Horses and Donkeys, Sheep and Goats, Camels and Yaks, and Cows...Oh My!, Baaaaaa, Donkeys, Neighhhhhh., Yaks, Camels, Overload, The Other Market, (or Overload, Again)

Mon., Sept. 16:
The Last Day, More Villages, The Grape Trellis, The Fanciest Restaurant Yet!, Ancient Mosques

Reflections......We Think We’ve got it Bad...., But Before We Complain Too Loudly, The Basics.....Freedom Of Speech?, Free Press?, Travel?, Government Perks, China’s Future....


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